Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Last Goodbyes (poem)

I'm trying my hand at poetry, something I haven't written since I was a teenager (a time long ago, in a land far far away). It's a work in progress, but I love feedback. So, hit me with it if you have any!

Last Goodbyes

A spark floats from the dying fire,
            the tiniest phoenix rising
                        from the would-be ashes.
Years pass in the time it takes
            to clear the hovering smoke
                        and take to the wind.
Finally, it drifts away
            becoming nothing more
than vaporous memory.
The silence between us warps
            morphing into a monster
                        neither of us can tame.
The beast is one of burden
            a packhorse overloaded
                        with the weight of our love.
A love so deep and fiery
            the gravity draws us down
                        into a molten core.
And we burn there, burn to ash
            Until only a spark remains
                        dying in the wind.

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